
In 1992 I graced the world with my presence. I was born in Canberra, Australia and joined my dad, mum and older sister.

In 1999 I left Australia for the first time. I travelled with my mum, dad and sister to New Zealand on a month-long road trip.

I graduated college in 2010 and was accepted at University for Bachelor of Commerce. At 18 years old I had been overseas 7 times to 16 countries.

I deferred my place at University in 2011 and took my first solo trip. During my gap year I worked full-time at a hospital, saved for my first solo trip and went to South America for 3 months.

I started my first year of University in 2012Managed to fall asleep in first Commerce lecture, decided to change to Bachelor of International Studies and got a casual job at a different hospital

In 2012 I decided to leave University. After changing my degree 5 times in 3 years (Commerce, International Studies, Public Relations, Architecture, Psychology) I thought it was time to take a bit of a break and go full-time in my hospital job.

In 2012 I decided to leave University. After changing my degree 5 times in 3 years (Commerce, International Studies, Public Relations, Architecture, Psychology) I thought it was time to take a bit of a break and go full-time in my hospital job.

I got a new job in 2015. I moved to another hospital and continued to travel 2-3 months every year.

In 2017 I quit my job to travel… or I tried to quit. When I resigned my boss offered me 12 months unpaid leave which I accepted. I started my 12 month round the world adventure and I started my first blog “Where in the world is Shannon?”.

Came home in 2018 with zilch in my pocket. In 12 months I had travelled to 45+ countries across 4 continents. I landed in Canberra at 10pm on a Sunday night and got up for work Monday at 7am at the hospital.

Quit my job again in 2019 actually quit this time with no unpaid leave. I booked a one way ticket to India with grand plans to start working online so I could travel indefinitely. 

Travel was cut short in 2020 *cough cough* I wonder why ;). I came back to Australia, tried to get my old job back at the hospital but there was a recruitment hold. I revisited the idea of working online and found a second passion – web development!

Business was booming in 2021! My web development business had become far more successful than I’d had hoped for. I was so busy I almost forgot that our borders were closed.

In 2022 I finally travelled overseas again! For the first time in 2.5 years (longest I’ve been in Australia since I was 11!) I travelled to Samoa to celebrate my 30th with my family!

And 2023?? Well you’ll have to wait and see!

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